
HI, America! Are We Ready To Make America Great For The Rest Of My Life and Yours?

I'd like to share with you a little poem that I wrote particularly for this ocassion.   I love me,  I think I'm grand, I sit in the movies, I hold my hand, I put my arm around my waist,  If I get fresh, I slap my face.           Not that I'd ever do that with you, my sweet Kim (Chee, I call him that because we're in love, Kim Chee) Jung Un, and you Pooty. Youse guys are my favorites. I think together we can mke this world a better place for the three of us. (Well, OK, maybe just Queens and Trump Tower, for me.) But we can share the world. It's big enough for now.        Anyway, now that I've legitimized Kim's nuclear ambissions and totally committed treason on the USA, we'll soon betalking about building beautiful tourist resorts and hotels (Trump Towers, doncha know) in Pyongyang! Here we are in our shapeless suits. I am kissing his big ass big league! Here I am after he wrote beauti...